July Newsletter 2024

Trusted Experience. Proven Success. Unmatched Service.

Crazy to think that by the time you receive

this newsletter summer will be half over…

well, school summer… because “Florida

summer” lasts until November! Hopefully

everyone had a safe and enjoyable 4th of

July weekend and celebration. In

anticipation of a possibly active hurricane

season, please make sure you take current

photos of your home and possessions should

a storm head your way. This will assist in the

claims process following any damage. .

Keeping yearly current photos is a good

practice as some insurance claims require

itemized lists of lost possessions. Make a

folder in your phone of the images and have

them ready should they be necessary.

Praying we have a calm hurricane season!

Stay safe and dry friends!

Karen Montas, Esq.

Are you prepared for the hurricane season?

The Florida hurricane season runs from June 1st to November 30th, and the uncertainty can be stressful. However, being prepared and having a plan in place can significantly ease this anxiety. See the links below for essential information on what to do in case of a hurricane:

Legally Speaking...

New Law to Help Reduce Deaths by Drowning.

The Florida legislature has taken a crucial step toward reducing drownings with the introduction of a new law, SB 544.

This new law (SB 544) established a swimming-lesson voucher program that took effect on July 1. The program, created during this year's legislative session, had the state Department of Health set up a network of swimming lesson providers. Vouchers will cover lesson costs for families earning up to 200% of the federal poverty level ($60,000 for a family of four), targeting families with children aged 4 or younger.

Safe Swimming - Drowning Prevention.

Summertime has arrived, bringing the heat with it! One of the best ways to cool down is by taking a refreshing dip in the pool. While swimming is a great source of fun, it also comes with its own set of risks if you are not properly prepared. A joyful day at the pool can quickly turn into a tragic nightmare in just an instant. Drowning is preventable. According to the CDC here are some tips to prevent drowning:

  • Learn basic swimming and water safety skills

  • Build fences that fully enclose pools

  • Supervise children closely

  • Wear a life jacket

  • Learn CPR

  • Know the risks of natural waters

Remember to always keep a close eye on children when they are near water. Enroll them in refresher swimming classes to help them become more comfortable and confident in the water. If you are concerned about your child's swimming abilities, make sure they wear a life jacket.

Back to School 2024 Sales Tax Holiday.

Just as quickly as summer arrives, it departs, and the kids head back to school. Florida offers a backto- school sales tax holiday for qualifying items like clothes, footwear, school supplies, and personal computers. The sales tax holiday runs from Monday, July 29th through Sunday, August 11th.

Employee Spotlight:

Cindy Perez

We are thrilled to welcome Cindy Perez, Legal Assistant, as the newest member of the Johnston & Montas Team. If you call our Firm, you are likely to be greeted by Cindy who communicates with our clients and the community in both English and Spanish. She excels in supporting paralegals and attorneys with her PowerPoint and clerical skills. Outside of work, she enjoys spending quality time with her family, including her 11-year-old son and newborn daughter.

Welcome to the Firm Cindy!

Johnson & Montas, P.A. In The Community:

weVenture Hispanic Business Summit.

Karen Montas had the privilege of presenting at the weVenture Hispanic Business Summit, where she delivered an insightful lecture on business growth, entrepreneurship, community development, and economic empowerment.

Karen's Shoe of the Month!

If you know Attorney Karen Montas, you know she is a shoe connoisseur. This month she has chosen these camouflage pumps that would help anyone stand out at a summer picnic or glamping affair.

Recent Accident?

Your insurance coverage can be affected by what you do after a motor vehicle accident.

We are a law firm dedicated to assisting our community in their unique legal situations by providing exceptional, client focused representation.


August Newsletter 2024


June 2024 Newsletter