January 2024 Newsletter
Trusted Experience. Proven Success. Unmatched Service.
Welcome to the inaugural edition of our
monthly Newsletter! With all of the things
we have going on in our busy lives, we would
like to say THANK YOU. We truly appreciate
you for taking the time to read our
Newsletter. We hope that you will find it to
be fun with a dash of something informative.
Karen Montas, Esq.
Legally Speaking...
What to do if you find yourself in a car accident:
1. Call 911 and report the accident.
2. Take photos of the damages of ALL vehicles involved and the accident scene.
3. Obtain the witness contact information (even if you believe the Officer obtained this information).
4. Notify your insurance company and open a claim.
5. Seek medical assistance as soon as possible.
6. Contact Johnson & Montas, P.A. info@jmontas.com or call (321) 636-9600.
Important Information to Know:
If you are injured or having any pain complaints, it is vitally important to obtain medical care within 14 days of the date of the accident. Florida is a No-Fault state, so your own auto insurance is primary for the payment of your medical bills up to $10,000 under your Personal Injury Protection (PIP) benefits. You must be seen for an “emergency medical condition” to preserve your $10,000 in PIP benefits. Treatment that is not emergent within these 14 days is limited to $2,500.00. After 14 days with no treatment, you waive your PIP benefits.
Recent Accident?
Your insurance coverage can be affected by what you do after a motor vehicle accident.
Employee Spotlight:
Nikki Beladino:
Nikki has been with Johnson & Montas for 33 years and started when she was still in high school. Nikki is our firm’s bookkeeper, but she does so much more! We can’t imagine the Firm without Nikki or her spicy personality. Aside from her work life, Nikki is married and has 3 sons. She is also an avid cat lover who has rescued many animals over the years, which only emphasizes her big heart.
Nikki, you are an amazing person and asset to our Firm!
In the words of Nikki: “Just so you know…”